Energy Transfer CEO Kelcy Warren Outlines Why The Conservation Of Natural Resources Is Critical

To say that Energy Transfer is a major player in terms of the utility system in the United States is, at this point, likely an understatement.


The organization maintains a significant network of pipelines and various other energy-related assets in over 40 states. They manage 675,000 acres of land in places like West Virginia, Indiana, Kentucky, and more. Their efforts are enormous and include but are not limited to things like retailing timber, managing natural gas, overseeing other minerals, and more.


The company’s efforts in terms of natural resources bring significant income tax revenue – not to mention high paying jobs – to all the areas that it covers. This includes work with over 3,500 acres of land that are dedicated to essential tasks like farming and raising cattle.


All told, the company is one of the largest landowners in all of West Virginia in particular – but for CEO Kelcy Warren, that isn’t quite enough. In his mind, he wants Energy Transfer to continue to lead the way in terms of energy efficiency, sustainability, and a myriad of other important factors. This is true for a wide range of different reasons, all of which are worth exploring.


Why Conservation Matters


For Kelcy Warren, conservation is one of the keys to the company’s land management affairs – and it will continue to be so moving forward.


They go out of their way to employ only certified foresters, for example – those professionals who are specially trained and equipped to monitor tree growth, to supervise timber operations, and more. They have made an effort over the years to guarantee that all of their operations in this sector are sustainable – harvesting is important, but not at the expense of the growth of the surrounding forest.


Additionally, they have long made it a priority to collaborate with local organizations that use this very same land for important efforts. That includes educational research, training for the National Guard, and even various recreational opportunities. Energy Transfer also partners with local and state governments on a regular basis to help encourage the type of business development that will give back to the surrounding communities, particularly by way of growing the economy and reacting new jobs.


Indeed, for nearly three decades, the company has also maintained a conservation co-op with Virginia Tech University. The purpose of this organization is simple: it aims to study the re-vegetation of tree and plant species on reclaimed coal land. This project, dubbed the Powell River Project, has already helped to steer the course of re-vegetation efforts in the area in partnership with the United States Army Corps of Engineers.


For Kelcy Warren, there are three main reasons why conservation is critical in the modern era. For starters, it allows organizations like Energy Transfer to do their part to help repair some of the damage that has been done to the environment by humans over time. This in turn helps to maintain the environment and keep it in the best possible condition for future generations.


Secondly, conservation helps to maintain the diversity of wildlife that lives in these areas. The ecosystem is nothing if not fragile and there is no such thing as a “small change.” Everything is delicate and needs to be preserved and conservation is a big part of how we do so.


Finally, making conservation a priority also helps to provide opportunities for the surrounding communities. Not only does it help to create new jobs and stimulate the economy as outlined above, but that also pays dividends in terms of offering opportunities for education and other goals of that nature moving forward.


Kelcy Warren understands what a critical role that organizations like Energy Transfer can play in terms of our conservation of natural resources as a society. In the end, we’re all in this together. If you’re a large organization that has the potential to make an impact, it is your obligation to do so. Yes, the business that you’re running is important in the short-term. But the difference that business can make by prioritizing conservation over the long-term is equally so. That is an ideal that will continue to be essential for generations to come.

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